Tailored Intercom Systems

Here at RingUK we have a considered approach to Tailored Intercom Systems, based on methodically detailing every aspect of each client’s needs. It is then and only then that we are accurately able to design a Tailored intercom system that fulfills the exact specifications of the client.

Over the years, developing Tailored Intercom Systems that fit the exacting requirements for our clients has enabled us to develop a solid aggregate understanding of each sector whose intercom requirements we deal with. In drawing upon this, we can quickly develop a Tailored Intercom Systems blueprint that we then tailor to the specifics of each client’s brief. The efficacy of this procedure means we are very rarely unable to overcome unforeseen problems – if ever.

You cannot buy experience, and it’s our experience in Tailored Intercom Systems that makes us great at adapting and thinking laterally to devise the best intercom solution for our clients. This often means taking a standard intercom system and integrating it with specialized design features to create a setup that is equal in its uniqueness to the exacting needs of the client.

This is all part of an overall standard of service that we feel is unavailable elsewhere within our industry. We place a premium on total customer satisfaction, which is why we are always looking to extend and improve our product range, and to maximise value. Our position within the industry in terms of our size, reputation and our relationship with suppliers means we can cut costs without cutting corners.

The information below serves to provide you with some insight into what type of Intercom equipment is typically used within your industry, and so therefore likely to be well suited to your needs. Click on the link below that best describes your sector.


  • The number of users.
  • The number of potential users in the future.
  • How many people would want to use the system at the same time?
  • Is there any area’s which have a special requirement:
    • Clean Rooms
    • Noisy Area’s
    • hazardous
    • Outdoors

System Requirements

  • What the system is required to achieve:
    • “All Call” for finding people or for making announcements
    • “Group Call” as above but to selected area’s
    • One to One calling
    • Public address over a speaker system in corridors, toilets etc


  • What cabling do you already have available in the department which may be used for the intercom system?
  • Network cabling can some times be used for an Intercom system.
  • An IP intercom system may be installed on your IT network; this would need checking with your IT department.

What ever your requirements are we can normally come up with a system to fulfil your requirements.

Intercom Products

IC-Edge Intercom System
ICX-510-1A Intelligent Communication Gateway
Pulse IP Intercom System
Pro700 Intercom System
SIP Intercom System
Touch Screen Video Intercom
DNH Analogue Speakers
Vingtor-Stentofon IP Speakers
Clockaudio Microphones

Intercom Markets







For more information

If you seek professional advice on which product to select, don’t hesitate to contact RingUK’s specialists today. Our team will evaluate your requirements, research, and clarify all available options to assist you or your client in selecting the ideal system that satisfies your needs.

Contact us via our Enquiry Form.