For more information
If you seek professional advice on which product to select, don’t hesitate to contact RingUK’s specialists today. Our team will evaluate your requirements, research, and clarify all available options to assist you or your client in selecting the ideal system that satisfies your needs.
Contact us via our Enquiry Form.
“Hands-Free Clean Room Intercom is vital in pharmaceutical labs to give hygienically clean room-to-room communications”
Hands-Free Clean Room Intercom Description
Hands-Free Clean Room Intercom is vital in pharmaceutical labs to give hygienically clean room to room communications.
To ensure the highest level of cleanliness, it is important that such rooms are fitted with an hands free clean room intercom. These intercom systems get a lot of daily use, so they can harbour a lot of dangerous bacteria, but if you choose the right intercom station model, it will prevent contamination occurring.
The station front foil of hands free clean room intercom system is manufactured with innovative Microban technology, which provides protection against contamination. The foil kills the bacteria as soon as it comes into contact with it because it boasts an anti-microbial function that disrupts the bacterial cell wall – which instantly kills or slows down the growth of the bacteria.
The tough and dependable intercom is also very easy to clean and because it is impervious to all chemicals, it can be intensely cleaned without you having to worry that you will break it. You can scrub away at it as hard as you like because it is scratch resistant too.
If you’re still worried that some cleaning liquids may leak into the system’s mechanism and break it, then don’t worry. The station can be flush mounted to the wall and sealed securely all around the rim to prevent all kinds of fluids getting in.
Most people prefer to flush mount their clean room systems, but if you can not flush mount the intercom station, then we can supply a surface mount one.
Ring UK have an extensive collection of excellent clean room systems and we can help you to choose one that meets your needs, budget and requirements.
Our experts will consider your requirements and explain what the best options available to you are. The high-quality systems we offer will give you excellent security and peace of mind regarding cleanliness too.
Sample System
proposal-–-9-x-ip-clean-room-stations-3-x-ip-desk-wall-stationsMedical Departments
For more information
If you seek professional advice on which product to select, don’t hesitate to contact RingUK’s specialists today. Our team will evaluate your requirements, research, and clarify all available options to assist you or your client in selecting the ideal system that satisfies your needs.