For more information
If you seek professional advice on which product to select, don’t hesitate to contact RingUK’s specialists today. Our team will evaluate your requirements, research, and clarify all available options to assist you or your client in selecting the ideal system that satisfies your needs.
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“The Medical Intercom Systems, the communication solutions used daily by thousands of Hospitals, Health Centres and Dental Surgeries”
Medical Intercom Systems Description
Medical Intercom Systems for Departments Inc. Accident & Emergency, Radiology (X-Ray), Theatres, and Clean Rooms.
As well as a full range of Stations, The IC-Edge Intercom & AlphaCom Intercom offer Clean Room stations, incorporating the latest micro ban or anti-bacterial technology, suitable for clean room & decontamination areas. Easy to install and easy to use (hands-free), IC-Pulse & AlphaCom are suitable for a multitude of environments in the healthcare sector, from surgery to nursing homes and private hospitals.
For larger systems where more users or speech channels are required, the Alphacom Intercom Systems are installed, including Operating Theatres, Recovery Rooms, Nurse stations, Office and Staff Rooms, with facilities such as Priority, Emergency All Calls, Group Calls, Individual Calls, Privacy, and confidential modes make the Systems a powerful communication tool.
Operating Theatres
Hands-free communication in an Operating Theatre or Sterile Department is essential. The range of Clean Room Stations includes models that are designed especially for clean room sterile environments. The station’s faceplates have a membrane that covers the keypad, loudspeaker and microphone, so allowing the stations to be wiped down with disinfectants. Hands-free Theatre to control room communications
Medical Centre, Doctors Surgery, Dentist Surgery
The Intercom Systems are designed to meet the most demanding of requirements in the Health Service, whether it is NHS or Private Healthcare. Installing an Intercom/Public Address System will provide essential communication for staff and patients and a more pleasant environment with background music. The optional interfaces for CCTV and Access Control systems will allow for the free movement of staff and controlled movement of visitors and patients. Doctors & Dentist Intercom
Accident and Emergency (A & E) & Walk In Medical Centre
Intercom points at Reception, Triage, Nurse’s Base, Consulting & Examination Rooms, corridors and staff rooms provide overall coverage for the emergency department for either contacting individual members of staff or emergency calls. The waiting rooms have loudspeakers installed, enabling staff to call for the next patient and provide background music. Additional intercom station points in other departments, such as X-Ray, Medical Records and Theatre, provide an additional fast communication link to enable staff to make better use of their time and resources.
Radiology (X-Ray) Departments
Good communication between the different areas is essential to efficiently running the department to enable staff to make the best use of the often limited resources. Loudspeaking intercom links between the receptionist, waiting areas, X-Ray, MRI, and EBCT suites provide staff with communications features unavailable on a standard telephone system.
Medical Departments
For more information
If you seek professional advice on which product to select, don’t hesitate to contact RingUK’s specialists today. Our team will evaluate your requirements, research, and clarify all available options to assist you or your client in selecting the ideal system that satisfies your needs.