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“Mortuary to Viewing Gallery Intercom System, the Viewing Gallery can Liston to the Mortuary and if required talk to the mortuary by pressing and holding a button on the gallery Intercom Station”
- Mortuary to Viewing Gallery Communications
- Hands Free Communications
- Viewing Gallery Press to talk to Mortuary
Mortuary to Viewing Gallery Intercom System, Description
Mortuary to Viewing Gallery Intercom System between the staff in the Mortuary and the visitors in the viewing gallery is provided via a speaker and microphone mounted in the ceiling of the mortuary and a master station in the Viewing Gallery.
The Viewing Gallery can listen to the Mortuary and if they need to speak to the Mortuary they press and hold the “T” button to talk.
Mortuary to Viewing Gallery Intercom System, Installation
- Microphone must be fitted where it can pickup speech and not equipment noise. Beware of air conditioning units.
- Loudspeaker must be fitted more than 1 metre away from microphone.
- 1 gang cable outlets should be fitted to wall near tables for footswitches (Lead on foot switch 2 metre), with cables back to control box
Mortuary to Viewing Gallery Intercom System, Operation
- The Pathologist Uses the left pedal on footswitch to open communications to viewing gallery, and can use the right pedal on footswitch to cancel communications.
- People in the Viewing Gallery can communicate with the pathologist by pressing the call button, then press and hold the “Talk” Button to talk, let go of the Talk Button to return to listen mode.
- Pathologist cannot hear viewing gallery without the middle button being pressed.
Close System
- To cancel all communications (Switch OFF) press the bottom button.
Mortuary to Viewing Gallery Intercom System, Datasheets
Mortuary to Viewing Gallery Intercom System, System Drawing
Microphone C007WR is a water resistant version.
Two Pedal Foot Switch Used in the Mortuary for selecting communications to Viewing Gallery and cancel.